
Stuart: place as character, nature as character, travel as character, time as character.

How do we feel about “personhood”? Who deserves this moniker? Traditionally it seems only people. But what if nature had personhood? What if time? What if place? What if your favorite river that you walk along everyday, or fish or drink from or camp near had a personality that you could identify? Doesn’t the river embody moods? Doesn’t the sky? Doesn’t time seem to frustrate at one point and elate in another? Is travel just a luxury for the few who get time off work? What if travel meant different things, such as walking to the store, swinging in a hammock or taking a bath? What if travel was watching a bird? What if water held magic? History? Grudges? I’m not talking about anthropomorphizing. I’m not talking about personification. I’m not assigning human characteristics. I’m observing. I’m interested in this as queer ecology.

There is always the dynamic character. The static character, the round, the stock, the symbolic. Do we assign these things or do the characters reveal themselves? If we observe there is no assigning. Can we sit with time or place or travel like we would an old friend? After the “getting-to-know-you period”, is that deepness possible? Is it two-way?

Where are you? Right now? Who are you with? Who are you thinking of? Who do you wish you were with? Who do you miss? Would you rather be some where else? Some one else? Who do you wish you were? The something that is nagging or joyous–we all know what it is. We can acknowledge gifts and personhood and fast and slow and is. Healing. Can. Is.